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Courage Sub Download

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Nursing is a caring profession. Due to the nature of their work, nurses need to have the moral courage to deliver safe nursing care. Research results have reported a low level of moral courage in the majority of nurses. The current study aimed to identify the barriers to show moral courage in Iranian nurses.

Advances in medical sciences place nurses in difficult situations in their workplaces that require ethical decision-making. These situations have created an increasing need for discussion and exchange of views regarding ethical issues and decisions [1]. Nurses are the principal group of service providers in health care systems [2] and have a significant impact on the quality of health care [3]. They often face challenging ethical issues in clinical settings [4]. As moral agents, nurses need moral courage to properly manage ethical problems [5].

Moral courage is one of the most important topics in the nursing profession and has a long history [6]. The concept of moral courage was introduced by Florence Nightingale [7]. Among all the personal characteristics and professional competencies, moral courage is the basic component of being a good nurse. It is a trait that allows a person to act based on moral principles [8]. Moral courage means acting based on moral values. A person who has moral courage decides and acts constantly, and consciously based on his/her moral values [8,9,10]. Nurses, based on the nature of their profession, need moral courage to emphasize humanitarian care and resist not doing immoral things [11]. Moral courage helps the nurses to provide acceptable care for the patient, the family, and the community [12].

Moral courage is an essential issue in the nursing profession. It may impact the quality of care provided by nurses [10]. Low moral courage is common among nurses and it should be enhanced by developing courage and adherence to ethical principles in them [28]. The promotion of moral courage requires the identification of relevant factors [29]. Limited studies have been conducted to identify barriers to the formation of moral courage in nurses.

Inadequate and inefficient communication between nurses and physicians, nurses with nursing managers, and other staff, and lack of cooperation and coordination among health team members were maletioned as another barrier to moral courage among nurses.

Some of the participants explained the lack of courage by the existence of some personal characteristics that hinder their courage. They maletioned lack of job interest, lack of job motivation, moral silence, and low self-confidence as important factors in this regard.

Fear of consequence is one of the effective factors in not being brave. Nurses stated that fear of hearing bad things, fear of fighting, and also fear of rejection are obstacles to their moral courage.

In line with the Damaged Professional identity, study participants stated that one of the most important factors in the developmalet of moral courage is the attention of physicians, managers, and others to their professional status. They acknowledged that the nursing profession should be respected. They also stated that nursing is a very important and fundamaletal part of the health system and we can be successful in treatmalet when other professions see nursing as a valuable profession.

This study aimed to explain the barriers to the formation of moral courage in nurses. The findings of the present study showed that organizational failure, deterrent personal identity, and defeated professional identity are the barriers to moral courage.

Behaviors and ethical decisions of employees and organizational strategies can affect the ethical behavior of nurses. One of the important goals of hospitals is patient satisfaction, which is achieved through the observance of ethical aspects of practice. In this study, the organization played a deterrent role in moral courage. Therefore, it fails to achieve the goal, which is the implemaletation of moral decisions. Organizational failure means that the organization failed in performing some of its functions or achieving some of its goals [37]. The results of a qualitative study conducted to identify the factors affecting the professional ethics of Iranian nurses reported organizational precondition, support systems, education, and cultural developmalet as effective factors on professional ethics [38]. According to Rest theory, moral courage is one of the components of professional ethics [7]. The results of a qualitative study showed that organizational culture including hospital managers inattention to ethical aspects and punishmalet of nurses after moral action caused moral neutralization [39].

The results of this study showed that the barriers to forming moral courage in nurses including inadequacy, organizational, and defeated professional culture and individual identity were deterrents. Barriers to moral courage can be divided into two general categories: external and internal barriers. It considered the environmalet of deterrence, mismanagemalet, medicalism, distorted professional identity as external barriers, and the individual characteristics of deterrent and occupational conservatism as internal. The organization can encourage nurses to courageously implemalet their ethical decisions by applying supportive strategies such as giving importance and power to the nurse, using the correct evaluation criteria, and appreciating the ethical performance of nurses.

Filled with action-packed drama, COURAGEOUS Legacy will once again have viewers laughing, crying, and cheering as they are challenged and inspired by everyday heroes who long to be the kinds of dads that make a lifelong impact on their children. Protecting the streets is second nature to these men. Raising their children in a God-honoring way? That's courageous.

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Courage is a highly prized virtue, and many famous and respected people have spoken or written about it over the years. We probably all have an idea of what we mean by courage, or bravery as it is sometimes known.

It is important to know whether you tend to suffer from fear or over-confidence, so that you can work on how to overcome that weakness, ensuring that you act courageously, and not either be overcome by your fears or take unnecessary risks because of over-confidence.

To scale daring leadership and build courage in teams and organizations, we have to cultivate a culture in which brave work, tough conversations, and whole hearts are the expectation, and armor is not necessary or rewarded. We have to be vigilant about creating a culture in which people feel safe, seen, heard, and respected.

The Scrum Team commits to achieving its goals and to supporting eachother. Their primary focus is on the work of the Sprint to make the bestpossible progress toward these goals. The Scrum Team and itsstakeholders are open about the work and the challenges. Scrum Teammembers respect each other to be capable, independent people, and arerespected as such by the people with whom they work. The Scrum Teammembers have the courage to do the right thing, to work on toughproblems.

The situation of elderly sub-Saharan migrants in the homes of workers and some social residences in Paris and its suburbs is critical: sometimes isolated, sick, and worn, they age in a climate of indifference and enjoy little or no benefit from gerontological services for reasons of non-take-up of rights. Social landlords have adopted some very limited strategies to help. Some legal dispositions have emerged but are difficult to apply. Some associations are accompanying or trying to engage in social mediation between these specific users and the administrative services, but without much success. The temptation to return to the home country is strong on their part, but it requires great courage, because the obstacles are great in number: lack of confidence, political instability in the home country, economic crisis and poverty, being accustomed to Western living, the advantages of Western medicine, and many other forms of attachment. There are also many obstacles to integration: problems of language, culture, religion, retirement pensions, some misunderstanding and many difficulties with the administration services. They are obliged to make journeys back and forth between France and Africa. They baffle social workers in France, who do not succeed in helping them appropriately because of their isolation and constant travel between countries. 2ff7e9595c


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