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Arch Enemy Will To Power [Limited Edition]:メロディックデスメタルの傑作


ARCH ENEMY's version of the track will appear on the "Råpunk" EP, to be included in the limited-edition deluxe box set of the band's new album, "Will To Power", due on September 8 via Century Media. The disc's captivating cover artwork, which can be seen below, was designed by Alex Reisfar.

Arch Enemy Will To Power [Limited Edition]

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1. Khaos overture2. Yesterday is dead and gone3. War eternal4. Ravenous5. Stolen life6. My apocalypse7. You will know my name8. Bloodstained cross9. Under black flags we march10. As the pages burn11. Dead eyes see no future12. Avalanche13. No gods, no masters14. We will rise15. Nemesis16. Fields of desolation

1. Khaos overture2. Yesterday is dead and gone3. War eternal4. Ravenous5. Stolen life6. My apocalypse7. You will know my name8. Bloodstained cross9. Under black flags we march10. As the pages burn11. Dead eyes see no future12. Avalanche13. No gods, no masters14. We will rise15. Nemesis16. Fields of desolation17. Outro18. Tempore nihil sanat19. Never forgive, never forget20. Bury me an angel21. Taking back my soul22. Burning angel23. The day you died24. No more regrets25. Silverwing26. War eternal27. You will know my name28. No more regrets29. Stolen life30. Stolen life31. Time is black

Wall Street intends to overcome, in this simple way, the constant stream of opposition issuing from the limited democracy embodied in the present Diet. They intend to overcome the voluble opposition of the more or less representative and extremely vociferous newspapers of Japan. These phenomena, like labor unions, Wall Street figures will soon be things of the past. 2ff7e9595c

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